Tuesday, November 20, 2012

the first storm

I'm a little late in sharing our adventures of the first storm of the winter season, but it's better late than never, right? Life has been a bit chaotic; returning home, finding work, and fixing the Jeep have been overwhelming tasks, but we can finally cross them off our list (well, mostly.) Amist all the stress my blogging has been on the back burner, but no longer! The next few months will be busy busy busy with farm projects, and I want to share it with you every step of the way. Now, back to that storm...

the clouds rolled in

then the rain

the wind took down the pear tree
also, the strawberries (granted there was not much left to them)
and very dark
our poor, poor tree
it will heal.
the morning after
the biggest casualty

Live simply,
Angela and Jonathan

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