Saturday, June 15, 2013

mushroom harvesting and more basket making

We harvested our first phoenix oyster mushrooms this week, and this weekend we inoculated five more straw baskets which will fruit in a few weeks. A big thanks to Chris and Eli from Fantastic Fungi for their great spawn! Now we just have to fight off the beetles that are attacking them! I have been researching and so far it seems the best options are bug juice (made from smooshed beetles and water) and Neem (a natural plant oil that deters and kills pests.) We worked super hard today, and tomorrow we will be taking a little time off to visit with both of our dad's for Father's Day. 

We hope you have a great weekend, make time for your dad's too!

fruiting baskets

lighter shelf

underside ^_^

new greenhouse setup

the baskets are growing and growing
Live simply,

Angela and Jonathan

Sunday, June 2, 2013

watching the fungus grow

We did our first round of full size straw baskets last weekend, and today we unwrapped them and the mycelium has taken off quite nicely. We are slowly but surely getting there!

full size baskets

close up of the fungus

mini baskets are still a going

Live simply,
Angela and Jonathan