Monday, April 29, 2013

among the clouds

April showers seem to be here to stay, making us a big wet mess- but we're adapting.

chicks. I'm not sure what breed they are yet, but those two little ones are growing very slowly.

The Pekin ducklings seems to protect the smaller Rouens constantly, even from my camera


onions (and weeds)

hello there

bunnies bunnies bunnies

flowers, in an amazingly rocky flower bed

Live simply,

Angela and Jonathan

Monday, April 22, 2013

a big step

There's been lots of little projects, growth, achievements...

the garlic grows more every day

our white rock chicks are getting fat

the pekins are obviously much bigger than the rouens

the little layers

bunny pile

but the biggest step of all... we finally have a greenhouse.

at long last

Live simply,

Angela and Jonathan

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

april showers

Well spring is definitely here! The trees are blooming, flowers and grass growing. Oh, don't forget the rain. Our first litter of rabbits are growing fast, already out exploring with their mom. The ducks and chicks are quickly outgrowing their brooders. Today we moved the ducks into their new yard pen until we get the coop finished. The chicks are definitely jealous, but their time is coming soon. 
Life is busy busy busy, and it couldn't be better.

baby bunnies are growing fast

Rose and Hopper are enjoying their time together. I think Hopper is quickly becoming a bit of a farm mascot.


the ducklings settling into their new home
the chicks are definitely jealous

Live simply,


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

bunnies and birds

Today was a very busy day.   

the birds enjoying a field trip outside
duckies are growing so fast

the red pullets are so pretty, and small compared to the white cornish rocks

Our mornings start around seven am, when we tend to the rabbits and birds before we leave for work. We returned home about five o'clock, and thanks to this wonderful spring daylight had plenty of time for projects. We planted nearly all the onions and put together the frame for the poultry tractor. 

the poultry tractor frame being assembled

onions planted

We just need to buy a whole bunch of chicken wire to finish the poultry house, as well as the rabbit tractor. It was a great day, and each one seems better.

Leela, a good mother

the babies are growing fast

Until next time!