Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Just stopping by to show you the newest color version of the logo. What do you think?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

just over a month until spring!

the garlic peaking through the cold ground

February snow storms

barn kitty Zae has no fear

my first attempt color logo

There isn't much going on, it seems to snow every weekend around here. We finally have most of the supplies for a chicken house, so we hope to have that finished in the next few weeks. The garden is marked out, just waiting to be tended. The rabbits are all enduring the winter, and we are expecting two litters of kittens (baby rabbits) in the next two weeks. A greenhouse for growing mushrooms on a larger scale is in the works as well, and we couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to share all these projects with you.